Language Agent


The Language Agent is the main entry point for intelligent robot agents. It can connect to different backends or transformers of your choice. It includes methods for recording conversations, managing context, looking up messages, forgetting messages, storing context, and acting based on an instruction and an image.

Currently supported API services are OpenAI and Anthropic. Upcoming API services include Mbodi, Ollama, and HuggingFace. Stay tuned for our Mbodi backend service!

For example, to use OpenAI for your robot backend:

robot_agent = LanguageAgent(context=context_prompt, model_src="openai")

context can be either a string or list, for example:

context_prompt = "you are a robot"
# OR
context_prompt = [
    Message(role="system", content="you are a robot"),
    Message(role="user", content=["example text", Image("example.jpg")]),
    Message(role="assistant", content="Understood."),

to execute an instruction:

response = robot_agent.act(instruction, image)[0]
# You can also pass an arbituary number of text and image to the agent:
response = robot_agent.act([instruction1, image1, instruction2, image2])[0]

Language Agent can connect to vLLM as well. For example, suppose you are running a vLLM server Mistral-7B on All you need to do is:

agent = LanguageAgent(
    model_kwargs={"api_key": "EMPTY", "base_url": ""},
response = agent.act("Hello, how are you?", model="mistralai/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.3")