Getting Started

Run a robotics transformer model on a robot

import os
from mbodied.agents import LanguageAgent
from mbodied.agents.motion import OpenVlaAgent
from import AudioAgent
from mbodied.hardware.sim_interface import SimInterface

cognition = LanguageAgent(
  context="You are an embodied planner that responds with a python list of strings and nothing else.",
  api_key=os.getenv("ANTHROPIC_API_KEY"), # Or use OpenAI
  model_src="anthropic", model_kwargs={"model": "claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620"},
speech = AudioAgent(use_pyaudio=False) # pyaudio is buggy on mac
motion = OpenVlaAgent(model_src="")

# Subclass and override do() and capture() methods.
hardware_interface = SimInterface()

instruction = speech.listen()
plan = cognition.act(instruction, hardware_interface.capture())

for step in plan.strip('[]').strip().split(','):
  print("\nMotor agent is executing step: ", step, "\n")
  for _ in range(10):
    hand_control = motion.act(step, hardware_interface.capture())

Example Scripts


Real Robot Hardware: Open In Colab

Simulation with SimplerEnv: Open In Colab

MotorAgent with OpenVLA: examples/