Contributing Guidelines∞

Git Workflow πŸ’»βˆž

Ensure that you use tools like gitlens (preferred), easycode, or write good commit messages for clarity. When pulling changes from the main branch, always use --rebase or --ff-only:

git pull --rebase

To set up your Git configuration for a smoother workflow:

git config --global pull.ff only
git config --global pull.rebase true

🌐 Environment Setup∞

We use hatch for packaging and managing dependencies.

git clone
source install.bash
hatch run pip install '.[audio]'

πŸ› οΈ Style Guide∞

Optional VS Code Profile With All the Extensions and Shortcuts You Need

  1. Run linting with Ruff 🧹 Ensure your code is free from linting errors by running Ruff.

  2. Organize tests in a dedicated directory πŸ“ Create a parallel test file in the tests/ directory. Name each test file with a test_ prefix.

  3. Naming test functions πŸ“ Prefix all test function names with test_ so Pytest can automatically detect and execute them.

  4. Google-style πŸ“š docstrings with examples πŸ’‘ Use Google-style docstrings to document all public classes, methods, functions, and modules. Example:

    def example_function(param1, param2):
        """This is a one-line summary of the function.
        More detail here.
            param1 (int): Description of param1.
            param2 (str): Description of param2.
            bool: Description of the return value.
          >>> add(2, 3)
        return True
  5. Test Pydantic models πŸ§ͺ Ensure Pydantic models are thoroughly tested for:

    JSON serialization
    Saving to h5 files Example test cases:
    def test_pydantic_model_to_json():
        # Your test code here
    def test_pydantic_model_from_json():
        # Your test code here
    def test_pydantic_model_save_to_h5():
        # Your test code here

Following these guidelines will help maintain clean, well-documented, and tested code. Happy coding! πŸš€