mbodied.hardware package


mbodied.hardware.interface module

class mbodied.hardware.interface.HardwareInterface(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: ABC

Abstract base class for hardware interfaces.

This class provides a template for creating hardware interfaces that can control robots or other hardware devices.

capture(*args, **kwargs) None[source]

Captures continuous data from the hardware.

  • args – Arguments to pass to the hardware interface.

  • kwargs – Additional arguments to pass to the hardware interface.

abstract do(*args, **kwargs) None[source]

Executes motion.

  • args – Arguments to pass to the hardware interface.

  • kwargs – Additional arguments to pass to the hardware interface.

fetch(*args, **kwargs) None[source]

Fetches data from the hardware.

  • args – Arguments to pass to the hardware interface.

  • kwargs – Additional arguments to pass to the hardware interface.

mbodied.hardware.sim_interface module

class mbodied.hardware.sim_interface.SimInterface[source]

Bases: HardwareInterface

A simulated interface for testing and validating purposes.

This class simulates the interface between the robot arm and the control system.


The home position of the robot arm.


The current position of the robot arm.

capture(**_) Image[source]

Captures an image.

do(motion: HandControl) list[float][source]

Executes a given HandControl motion and returns the new position of the robot arm.


motion – The HandControl motion to be executed.

get_pose() list[float][source]

Gets the current pose of the robot arm.


A list of the current pose values [x, y, z, r, p, y, grasp].

Return type:


mbodied.hardware.xarm_interface module

class mbodied.hardware.xarm_interface.XarmInterface(ip: str = '', record=False)[source]

Bases: RecordingHardwareInterface

Control the xArm robot arm with SDK.


xarm = XarmInterface() xarm.do(HandControl(…))


The IP address of the xArm robot.


The XArmAPI instance for controlling the robot.


The home position of the robot arm.

capture() Image[source]

Captures an image from the robot camera. Placeholder for real camera input.

do(motion: HandControl) None[source]

Executes a given HandControl motion.

HandControl is in meters and radians, so we convert it to mm and degrees here.


motion – The HandControl motion to be executed.

get_pose() HandControl[source]

Gets the current pose (absolute HandControl) of the robot arm.


A list of the current pose values [x, y, z, r, p, y].

set_pose(motion: HandControl) None[source]

Sets the robot arm to a given absolute HandControl pose.

Module contents