

Agents are the primary entities in our system designed to perform specific tasks and return a standardized type called a Sample. Each agent has an act() method that is pivotal to its functionality. This method records data to either an HDF5 file or a HuggingFace dataset, depending on the configuration and requirements of the system. Additionally, agents can be deployed using a client-server pattern, allowing for the invocation of remote actors, which facilitates distributed processing and scalability. Below are the different types of agents and their unique characteristics:

Sensory Agents

These agents interact with the environment to collect sensory data. They always return a SensorReading, which can be various forms of processed sensory input such as images, depth data, or audio signals.

Motor Agents

These agents are responsible for generating motion or controlling movements. They always return a Motion object, which encapsulates details like the type of motion, its bounds, and the reference frame in which it operates.

Language Agents

Designed to handle and generate natural language, these agents always return a LanguageAction. This could be a series of instructions or even executable code, enabling complex interactions through language.