Source code for mbodied.agents.motion.openvla_agent

from mbodied.agents.motion.motor_agent import MotorAgent
from mbodied.types.motion.control import HandControl, Motion
from import Image

[docs] class OpenVlaAgent(MotorAgent): """OpenVLA agent to generate robot actions. Specify gradio server endpoint in model_src to make inference via API. See for the an exmaple of the gradio server code. `actor` is a gradio server taking: image, instruction, and unnorm_key as input. Example: >>> openvla_agent = OpenVlaAgent(model_src="") >>> openvla.act("move hand forward", Image(size=(224, 224))) HandControl(pose=Pose6D(x=1,y=2,z=3,roll=0,pitch=0,yaw=0), grasp=JointControl(value=0)) """ def __init__( self, recorder="omit", recorder_kwargs=None, model_src=None, model_kwargs=None, **kwargs, ): super().__init__( recorder=recorder, recorder_kwargs=recorder_kwargs, model_src=model_src, model_kwargs=model_kwargs, **kwargs, )
[docs] def act(self, instruction: str, image: Image, unnorm_key: str = "bridge_orig") -> Motion: """Act based on the instruction and image using the remote server. Args: instruction (str): The instruction to act on. image (Image): The image to act on. unnorm_key (str): The key for the unnormalized image. Returns: Motion: The HandControl generated by the agent. """ if is None: raise ValueError("Remote actor for OpenVLA not initialized.") response =, instruction, unnorm_key) items = response.strip("[]").split() action = [float(item) for item in items] return HandControl.unflatten(action)
# # Example usage: # if __name__ == "__main__": # openvla_agent = OpenVlaAgent(model_src="") # image = Image("resources/xarm.jpeg") # response = openvla_agent.act("move forward", image) # print(response)