# Copyright 2024 mbodi ai
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Module for recording data to an h5 file."""
import logging
import shutil
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any
import h5py
import numpy as np
from gymnasium import spaces
from h5py import string_dtype
from mbodied.types.sample import Sample
from mbodied.types.sense.vision import Image
def create_dataset_for_space_dict(space_dict: spaces.Dict, group: h5py.Group) -> None:
if not isinstance(space_dict, spaces.Dict):
raise ValueError("space_dict must be a Dict at the root level")
add_space_metadata(space_dict, group)
logging.debug("data group keys: %s", str(space_dict.keys()))
for key, space in space_dict.items():
logging.debug(' key: "%s", value: %s', key, space)
if isinstance(space, spaces.Dict):
subgroup = group.create_group(key)
create_dataset_for_space_dict(space, subgroup)
shape = space.shape if hasattr(space, "shape") and space.shape is not None else ()
dtype = space.dtype if space.dtype is not None and space.dtype != str else string_dtype()
logging.debug(f"creating dataset: {key, shape, dtype}")
group.create_dataset(key, (1, *shape), dtype=dtype, maxshape=(None, *shape))
add_space_metadata(space, group[key])
def copy_and_delete_old(filename) -> None:
if Path.exists(filename):
stem = str(Path(filename).parent / Path(filename).stem)
new_filename = stem + datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S") + ".h5"
shutil.copyfile(filename, new_filename)
class Recorder:
"""Records a dataset to an h5 file. Saves images defined to folder with _frames appended to the name stem.
# Define the observation and action spaces
observation_space = spaces.Dict({
'image': spaces.Box(low=0, high=255, shape=(224, 224, 3), dtype=np.uint8),
'instruction': spaces.Discrete(10)
action_space = spaces.Dict({
'gripper_position': spaces.Box(low=-1, high=1, shape=(3,), dtype=np.float32),
'gripper_action': spaces.Discrete(2)
# Create a recorder instance
recorder = Recorder(name='test_recorder', observation_space=observation_space, action_space=action_space)
# Generate some sample data
num_steps = 10
for i in range(num_steps):
observation = {
'image': np.ones((224, 224, 3), dtype=np.uint8),
'instruction': i
action = {
'gripper_position': np.zeros((3,), dtype=np.float32),
'gripper_action': 1
recorder.record(observation, action)
# Save the statistics
# Close the recorder
# Assert that the HDF5 file and directories are created
assert os.path.exists('test_recorder.h5')
assert os.path.exists('test_recorder_frames')
def __init__(
name: str,
observation_space: spaces.Dict | str | None = None,
action_space: spaces.Dict | str | None = None,
supervision_space: spaces.Dict | str | None = None,
out_dir: str = "saved_datasets",
image_keys_to_save: list = None,
"""Initialize the Recorder.
name (str): Name of the file.
observation_space (spaces.Dict): Observation space.
action_space (spaces.Dict): Action space.
out_dir (str, optional): Directory of the output file. Defaults to 'saved_datasets'.
num_steps (int, optional): Number of steps. Defaults to 10.
image_keys_to_save (list, optional): List of image keys to save. Defaults to ['image'].
logging.info("\nInitializing dataset recorder, recording to directory: %s", out_dir)
if image_keys_to_save is None:
image_keys_to_save = ["image"]
self.out_dir = out_dir
self.frames_dir = Path(out_dir) / (Path(name).stem + "_frames")
self.frames_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
filename = Path(out_dir) / Path(name).with_suffix(".h5")
Path(out_dir).mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
if Path.exists(filename):
self.file = h5py.File(filename, "a")
self.name = name
self.filename = filename
self.observation_space = observation_space
self.action_space = action_space
self.supervision_space = supervision_space
self.root_keys, self.root_spaces = self.configure_root_spaces(
self.image_keys_to_save = image_keys_to_save
self.index = 0
def record_timestep(self, group: h5py.Group, sample: Any, index: int) -> None:
"""Record a timestep.
group (h5py.Group): Group to record to.
sample (Any): Sample to record.
index (int): Index to record at.
if isinstance(group, h5py.Dataset):
if index >= group.shape[0]:
group.resize((2 * index, *group.shape[1:]))
if hasattr(sample, "value"):
sample = sample.value
group[index] = sample
logging.debug("group keys: %s", str(group.keys()))
if not hasattr(sample, "dict"):
sample = Sample(sample)
for key, value in sample:
if value is None:
if hasattr(value, "array"):
dataset = group[key]
if index >= dataset.shape[0]:
dataset.resize((2 * index, *dataset.shape[1:]))
dataset[index] = value.array
if key in self.image_keys_to_save and hasattr(value, "save"):
value.save(self.frames_dir / f"{self.index}.png")
logging.debug(" key: %s, value: %s", key, value)
if key not in group:
logging.warning("key %s not in group %s. Skipping key", key, group)
if isinstance(value, dict | Sample):
subgroup = group[key]
self.record_timestep(subgroup, value, index)
if group[key].attrs.get("tuple_length") is not None:
value = Sample.pack_from(value).model_dump_json(round_trip=True) # noqa: PLW2901
dataset = group[key]
if index >= dataset.shape[0]:
dataset.resize((2 * index, *dataset.shape[1:]))
dataset[index] = value
def record(self, observation: Any | None = None, action: Any | None = None, supervision: Any | None = None) -> None:
"""Record a timestep.
observation (Any): Observation to record.
action (Any): Action to record.
supervision (Any): Supervision to record.
def recursive_setarray(sample):
if not hasattr(sample, "dict"):
sample = Sample(sample)
for key, value in sample:
if isinstance(value, Image):
setattr(sample, key, value.array)
elif isinstance(value, dict | Sample):
setattr(sample, key, recursive_setarray(value))
return sample
if observation is not None:
if not hasattr(observation, "dict"):
observation = Sample(observation)
observation = recursive_setarray(observation) # Bug hacky fix for Image recording.
if "observation" not in self.file:
logging.warning("Recorder: observation not in file, creating new group")
new_root_keys, new_root_spaces = self.configure_root_spaces(observation=observation.space())
self.root_keys += new_root_keys
self.root_spaces += new_root_spaces
self.record_timestep(self.file["observation"], observation, self.index)
if action is not None:
if not hasattr(action, "dict"):
action = Sample(action)
action = recursive_setarray(action) # Bug hacky fix for Image recording.
if "action" not in self.file:
logging.warning("Recorder: action not in file, creating new group")
new_root_keys, new_root_spaces = self.configure_root_spaces(action=action.space())
self.root_keys += new_root_keys
self.root_spaces += new_root_spaces
self.record_timestep(self.file["action"], action, self.index)
if supervision is not None:
if not hasattr(supervision, "dict"):
supervision = Sample(supervision)
supervision = recursive_setarray(supervision) # Bug hacky fix for Image recording.
if "supervision" not in self.file:
logging.warning("Recorder: supervision not in file, creating new group")
new_root_keys, new_root_spaces = self.configure_root_spaces(supervision=supervision.space())
self.root_keys += new_root_keys
self.root_spaces += new_root_spaces
self.record_timestep(self.file["supervision"], supervision, self.index)
self.index += 1
self.file.attrs["size"] = self.index
def close(self) -> None:
"""Closes the Recorder and send the data if train_config is set."""