Source code for mbodied.types.geometry

from mbodied.types.motion import AbsoluteMotionField, Motion, MotionField, RelativeMotionField

[docs] class Pose3D(Motion): """Action for a 2D+1 space representing x, y, and theta.""" x: float = MotionField( 0.0, description="X position in 2D space. +x is forward; -x is backward.", ) y: float = MotionField( 0.0, description="Y position in 2D space. +y is left; -y is right.", ) theta: float = MotionField( default_factory=lambda: 0.0, description="Rotation (radians) about the z axis. Positive is counter-clockwise.", )
[docs] class LocationAngle(Pose3D): """Alias for Pose3D. A 2D+1 space representing x, y, and theta.""" pass
[docs] class Pose6D(Motion): """Movement for a 6D space representing x, y, z, roll, pitch, and yaw.""" x: float = MotionField( default=0, description="X position in 3D space. +x is forward; -x is backward.", ) y: float = MotionField( 0, description="Y position in 3D space. +y is left; -y is right.", ) z: float = MotionField( 0, description="Z position in 3D space. +z is up; -z is down.", ) roll: float = MotionField( 0, description="Roll about the X-axis in radians. Positive roll is clockwise.", ) pitch: float = MotionField( 0, description="Pitch about the Y-axis in radians. Positive pitch is down.", ) yaw: float = MotionField( 0, description="Yaw about the Z-axis in radians. Positive yaw is left.", )
[docs] class Pose(Pose6D): """Alias for Pose6D. A movement for a 6D space representing x, y, z, roll, pitch, and yaw.""" pass
[docs] class AbsolutePose(Pose): """Absolute pose of the robot in 3D space.""" x: float = AbsoluteMotionField( 0, description="Absolute X position in 3D space. +x is forward; -x is backward.", ) y: float = AbsoluteMotionField( 0, description="Absolute Y position in 3D space. +y is left; -y is right.", ) z: float = AbsoluteMotionField( 0, description="Absolute Z position in 3D space. +z is up; -z is down.", ) roll: float = AbsoluteMotionField( 0, description="Absolute roll about the X-axis in radians. Positive roll is clockwise.", ) pitch: float = AbsoluteMotionField( 0, description="Absolute pitch about the Y-axis in radians. Positive pitch is down.", ) yaw: float = AbsoluteMotionField( 0, description="Absolute yaw about the Z-axis in radians. Positive yaw is left.", )
[docs] class RelativePose(Pose): """Relative pose of the robot in 3D space.""" x: float = RelativeMotionField( 0, description="Relative X position in 3D space. +x is forward; -x is backward.", ) y: float = RelativeMotionField( 0, description="Relative Y position in 3D space. +y is left; -y is right.", ) z: float = RelativeMotionField( 0, description="Relative Z position in 3D space. +z is up; -z is down.", ) roll: float = RelativeMotionField( 0, description="Relative roll about the X-axis in radians. Positive roll is clockwise.", ) pitch: float = RelativeMotionField( 0, description="Relative pitch about the Y-axis in radians. Positive pitch is down.", ) yaw: float = RelativeMotionField( 0, description="Relative yaw about the Z-axis in radians. Positive yaw is left.", )