Source code for mbodied.types.motion.control

# Copyright 2024 mbodi ai
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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from typing import Sequence

import numpy as np
from gymnasium import spaces
from pydantic import Field

from mbodied.types.geometry import LocationAngle, Pose, Pose6D
from mbodied.types.motion import Motion, MotionField

"""Motions to control a robot.

This module defines the motions to control a robot as pydantic models.
    JointControl: A joint value, typically an angle.
    FullJointControl: Full joint control.
    HandControl: A 7D space representing x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw, and oppenness of the hand.
    HeadControl: Head control. Tilt and pan.
    MobileSingleArmControl: Control for a robot that can move in 2D space with a single arm.
    BimanualArmControl: Control for a robot that can move in 2D space with two arms.
    HumanoidControl: Control for a robot with two arms and two legs.

[docs] class JointControl(Motion): """Motion for joint control.""" value: float = MotionField(default_factory=lambda: 0.0, bounds=[-3.14, 3.14], description="Joint value in radians.")
[docs] def space(self): # noqa: ANN201 return spaces.Box(low=-3.14, high=3.14, shape=(), dtype=np.float32)
[docs] class FullJointControl(Motion): """Full joint control.""" joints: Sequence[JointControl] | list[float] = MotionField( default_factory=list, description="List of joint values in radians.", ) names: Sequence[str] | list[float] | None = MotionField(default=None, description="List of joint names.")
[docs] def space(self): # noqa: ANN201 space = dict(super().space()) for i, joint in enumerate(self.joints): name = self.names[i] if self.names else f"joint_{i}" space[name] = return spaces.Dict(space)
[docs] class HandControl(Motion): """Action for a 7D space representing x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw, and oppenness of the hand.""" pose: Pose6D = MotionField(default_factory=Pose, description="Pose of the robot hand.") grasp: JointControl = MotionField( default_factory=JointControl, description="Openness of the robot hand. 0 is closed, 1 is open.", )
[docs] class HeadControl(Motion): tilt: JointControl = MotionField( default_factory=lambda: JointControl(), description="Tilt of the robot head in radians (down is negative).", ) pan: JointControl = MotionField( default_factory=lambda: JointControl(), description="Pan of the robot head in radians (left is negative).", )
[docs] class MobileSingleHandControl(Motion): """Control for a robot that can move its base in 2D space with a 6D EEF control + grasp.""" # Location of the robot on the ground. base: LocationAngle | None = MotionField( default_factory=LocationAngle, description="Location of the robot on the ground.", ) hand: HandControl | None = MotionField(default_factory=HandControl, description="Control for the robot hand.") head: HeadControl | None = MotionField(default=None, description="Control for the robot head.")
[docs] class MobileSingleArmControl(Motion): """Control for a robot that can move in 2D space with a single arm.""" base: LocationAngle | None = MotionField( default_factory=LocationAngle, description="Location of the robot on the ground.", ) arm: FullJointControl | None = MotionField( default_factory=FullJointControl, description="Control for the robot arm.", ) head: HeadControl | None = MotionField(default=None, description="Control for the robot head.")
[docs] class MobileBimanualArmControl(Motion): """Control for a robot that can move in 2D space with two arms.""" base: LocationAngle | None = MotionField( default_factory=LocationAngle, description="Location of the robot on the ground.", ) left_arm: FullJointControl | None = MotionField( default_factory=FullJointControl, description="Control for the left robot arm.", ) right_arm: FullJointControl | None = MotionField( default_factory=FullJointControl, description="Control for the right robot arm.", ) head: HeadControl | None = MotionField(default=None, description="Control for the robot head.")
[docs] class HumanoidControl(Motion): """Control for a humanoid robot.""" left_arm: FullJointControl | None = MotionField( default_factory=FullJointControl, description="Control for the left robot arm.", ) right_arm: FullJointControl | None = MotionField( default_factory=FullJointControl, description="Control for the right robot arm.", ) left_leg: FullJointControl | None = MotionField( default_factory=FullJointControl, description="Control for the left robot leg.", ) right_leg: FullJointControl | None = MotionField( default_factory=FullJointControl, description="Control for the right robot leg.", ) head: HeadControl | None = MotionField(default=None, description="Control for the robot head.")
[docs] class LocobotActionOrAnswer(MobileSingleHandControl): answer: str | None = Field( default="", description="Short, one sentence answer to any question a user might have asked. 20 words max.", ) sleep: bool | None = Field( default=False, description="Whether the robot should go to sleep after executing the motion.", ) home: bool | None = Field( default=False, description="Whether the robot should go to home after executing the motion.", )