Source code for mbodied.types.utils.bboxer
from pathlib import Path
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
def draw_bounding_box_with_label(image_path: str, bbox: tuple, label: str, color: str = "red", width: int = 2) -> Image:
"""Draws a bounding box with a label and shading on an image.
image_path (str): Path to the image file.
bbox (tuple): Bounding box coordinates as (left, top, right, bottom).
label (str): Label text for the bounding box.
color (str): Color of the bounding box and label text. Default is red.
width (int): Width of the bounding box lines. Default is 2.
Image: Image object with the bounding box and label drawn.
image_with_bbox = draw_bounding_box_with_label("path/to/image.jpg", (50, 50, 150, 150), "Object")
# Open an image file
with as im:
# Create a drawing object
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
font = ImageFont.load_default()
# Draw the bounding box shadow
shadow_offset = 3
shadow_color = "black"
for i in range(width):
bbox[0] + shadow_offset - i,
bbox[1] + shadow_offset - i,
bbox[2] + shadow_offset + i,
bbox[3] + shadow_offset + i,
# Draw the bounding box
for i in range(width): # Adjust for line width
draw.rectangle([bbox[0] - i, bbox[1] - i, bbox[2] + i, bbox[3] + i], outline=color)
# Calculate text size and position
text_size = draw.textsize(label, font)
text_position = (bbox[0], bbox[1] - text_size[1] - 5) # Adjusted to give some padding
# Draw text background rectangle with shading
bg_rect = [text_position[0], text_position[1], text_position[0] + text_size[0], text_position[1] + text_size[1]]
bg_rect[0] + shadow_offset,
bg_rect[1] + shadow_offset,
bg_rect[2] + shadow_offset,
bg_rect[3] + shadow_offset,
draw.rectangle(bg_rect, fill=color)
# Draw text
draw.text(text_position, label, fill="white", font=font)
return im
if __name__ == "__main__":
image_path = Path("resources") / "xarm.jpg"
bbox = (50, 50, 150, 150)
label = "Object"
image_with_bbox = draw_bounding_box_with_label(image_path, bbox, label)